Editor's Briefing

Luke Coppen's Catholic Herald Blog

Morning Catholic must-reads

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Benedict XVI insisted that “the universal Church precedes the particular Churches” during his homily at Mass on Pentecost Sunday (video, full text).

Pope Benedict said that “without the Spirit the Church would exhaust its strength” at the Regina Coeli (video).

On Saturday that Pope said the global financial crisis was caused by a “lack of trust and adequate creative and dynamic solidarity for the common good”.

On Friday the Pope urged lay Catholics to be more active in the public square during a meeting with members of the Pontifical Council for the Laity (video, full text).

On Thursday Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill I arranged for a concert to be held in honour of Pope Benedict (video, full text of papal address, Fr Federico Lombardi’s commentary).

Astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus was reburied in a Polish cathedral on Saturday. Austen Ivereigh applauds.

Archbishop Vincent Nichols of Westminster blessed 600 married couples at a Mass on Saturday at Westminster Cathedral.

An ecumenical jury at Cannes has awarded its top prize to a film about a massacre of French Cistercians in Algeria.

Benedict XVI has appointed the American lay canon lawyer Dr Edward Peters a Referendarius (Referendary) of the Apostolic Signatura.

John Allen takes a detailed look at the Vatican’s response to claims that it is liable for clerical sexual abuse.

Michael Sean Winters duels with Professor Robert George over a Supreme Court ruling.

Michael Liccione examines the controversy surrounding the excommunication of Sister Margaret McBride.

Tess Livingstone hails the new English translation of the Roman Missal.

Professor Nicolas Standaert considers the impact of the Chinese on the missionary Matteo Ricci.

And Lady Gaga says she would be happy to play for the Pope – minus her raunchy dancers.

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